Connecting someone (လိုင္းလႊဲေပးျခင္း)
- Just a sec. I'll get him. (Informal)
ခဏေလးေစာင့္ေပးပါ။ သူ႕ကို ေခၚေပးပါ့မယ္။
- Hang on one second. (Informal)
- Please hold and I'll put you through to his office.
ခဏကိုင္ထားပါ။ သူ႕ရုံးခန္းကို လႊဲလိုက္ပါ့မယ္။
- One moment please.
- All of our operators are busy at this time. Please hold for the next available person.
တယ္လီဖုန္းေအာ္ပေရတာအားလုံး ယခုမအားၾကပါဖူး။ ခဏကိုင္ျပီးေစာင့္ပါ။-စက္မွေျဖေသာအသံ
Gaining Time (အခ်ိန္ယူ ေျဖၾကားျခင္း)
- I’m sorry, I can’t say right now.
ေဆာရီးပါဘဲ။ အခုခ်က္ခ်င္းေျပာလို႕မရပါဘူး။
- I’ll have to get back to you on that.
- I’m not the best person to answer that.
ကြ်န္ေတာ္ ဒီေမးခြန္းကိုေျဖဖို႕ သင့္ေတာ္ဆံုးသူမဟုတ္ပါဘူး။
- I’d rather not say.
- I’ll need to work it out and let you know.
ကြ်န္ေတာ္ဒီကိစၥကိုသံုးသပ္ျပီးရင္ ခင္ဗ်ားကိုျပန္ေျပာေပးပါမယ္။
- Can I put it in an e-mail?
ကြ်န္ေတာ္ အီးေမးလ္နဲ႕ ပို႕ေပးလို႕ရမလားဗ်ာ။
- Er, well, I don’t really know.
- Hm, good question….
- Just a moment…..
Checking and Clarifying (ေသခ်ာရန္ျပန္ေမးျခင္း)
- Who did you say I should speak to?
- Can you repeat that, please?
- Did you say ‘seventeen’ or ‘seventy’?
"၁၇"လို႕ေျပာတာလား။ "၇ဝ" လို႕ေျပာတာလား။
- Sorry, which department did you say?
ေဆာရီး။ ဘယ္ဌာနကလို႕ေျပာလိုက္တာလဲ။
- When was the delivery due?
- Sorry, I didn’t catch that.
ေဆာရီးပါ။ ကြ်န္ေတာ္မၾကားလိုက္ဖူးခင္ဗ်ာ။
Posted by ကိုတူး(မိတၳီလာ GTI)
Posted by ကိုတူး(မိတၳီလာ GTI)