Thursday, September 08, 2011

အဂၤလိပ္စကားေၿပာတြင္ မွားယြင္းေၿပာဆိုတတ္ေသာအမွားမ်ား

Hi my friends!
This time I have chosen common mistakes we used to make in our spoken English.I hope you’ll like it too.
1.The old couple is very cheerful  in their new home.
   The old couple is very happy  in their new home.
happy      = feeling satisfied or contented
cheerful   = tending to smile and laugh, or be in good spirits

2.The wages in Taiwan are very  cheap.
    The wages in Taiwan are very low.
cheap is used with goods.
low is used with wages, costs, payments, etc.

3.The concert will occur at eight o’clock next Tuesday.
   The concert will take place  at eight o’clock next Tuesday.
occur is usually used of unplanned events: The accident occurred last night shortly before ten.
for planned events use take place.

4.Have you ever gone  to France? she asked.
    Have you ever been  to France? she asked.
Been is used when someone has visited a place in the past.
Gone is used when the person is still in the place they are visiting.

5. In   arriving at the airport we discovered that the plane would be late.
    On   arriving at the airport we discovered that the plane would be late.
on = upon doing something.

6.Arlon is one of the oldest towns of  Belgium.
   Arlon is one of the oldest towns in  Belgium.
a town in Belgium, a village in  France. Not of

7.At the moment he noticed a man running to him.
   At the moment he noticed a man running towards him.
Use to when you want to emphasize the destination.
Use towards when you want to emphasize the direction.

8.I work eight hours in a day.
   I work eight hours a  day.
in is not used in expressions such as:
The shop is open six days a week. He visits his father three times a year.

9.She asked me what was the time.
   She asked me what the time was.
When the object of the sentence is a wh-clause, the subject and the verb in the wh-clause do not change places.

10.The magazine is printed every month.
     The magazine is  published  every month.
publish = produce and distribute (a book or newspaper) for sale to the public.
print     = produce many copies of a book , newspaper.

11.When she met my father, she was about to marry  to another man.
     When she met my father, she was about to marry another man.
be married to someone but marry someone without to

12.Last evening I went to BLAZON with a friend of mine.
    Yesterday evening  I went to BLAZON with a friend of mine.
last night but yesterday evening

13.It is believed that the castle was once the house  of evil monsters.
     It is believed that the castle was once the  home of evil monsters.
house = a particular type of building usually lived in a family:
            Do you live in a house or a flat?
home = any building or place in which a person lives (and feels a sense of belonging)

14.It was a very valuable golden ring.
     It was a very valuable gold  ring.In modern use thing which are made of gold are described as gold rather than golden.

15.I asked the doctor to come as soon as possibly.
     I asked the doctor to come  as soon as possible.

16.The accident happened  at  ten years ago.
     The accident  happened ten years ago.
Do not use at  to introduce a time expression with ago.

17.Can  I lend your pen a minute?
     Can I  borrow  your pen a minute?
lend     = give
borrow = take

18.During the flight she sat on the chair  behind me.
     During the flight she sat in the seat  behind me.
seat  = a place for sitting as found in a cinema, train, bus, etc.
chair = a moveable seat for one person.

19.  There was a fight among  two boys.
There was a fight  between  two boys.
Divide the apple between   you three.
Divide the apple  among  you three.
Between is used for two only.
Among is used for more than two.

20.She made me so annoyed I felt like shouting to  her.
     She made me so annoyed I felt like shouting at  her.
shout to someone = call someone to attract their attention
shout at someone = speak to someone in a very loud voice, special when angry
Posted by ကိုတူး(မိတၳီလာ GTI)

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